bloodborne what is orphan of kos weak to

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Orphan of Kos

Bones Information

Location HP Blood Echoes Icon Physical VS blunt VS Thrust Blood Arcane Fire Bolt Slow Poison RES Rapid Poison RES VS Beasts VS Kin Required
Fishing Hamlet Coast 19216 60000 183 183 183 183 274 205 228 999 999 - - No
Fishing Hamlet Coast ❘ second phase 205 205 205 205 297 205 251 999 999 - - No
Discovery Drib Multipliers Bonuses Weak against
Fishing Hamlet Coast Kos Parasite [100%];
+ v Insight for encountering the dominate; + 5 Insight for defeating the boss.
HP multiplier 1 Is creature No Physical VS blunt
VS Thrust Blood
Arcane DMG multiplier 1 Is kin No
Fire DMG multiplier ane Is weak to serrated No
Bolt DMG multiplier i Is weak to righteous No
  • All information (HP, Echoes, Defences, Multipliers & Bonuses) was datamined directly from game files and can be accessed via spreadsheet | archived. Updated on January 31st, 2022.
  • The required bosses must be killed in order to stop the main game story and to go on to the new game plus and further, whereas the optional ones may be avoided.


    In-game Name (multi-language)
    English language: Orphan of Kos; Japanese: ゴースの遺子; German: Waisenknabe von Kos; Spanish: Huérfano de Kos; French: Orphelin de Kos; Italian: Orfano di Kos
    Internal Name
    Japanese: ラスボス; Translation: Last Boss
    Mercy for the poor, wizened child... Let the pungence of Kos cling, like a mother's devotion...


  • Equipment and runes that reduce physical or cabalistic damage can be helpful for a defense-oriented approach, but you lot may find that Communion or Clawmark runes provide more substantial benefits during this fight. Despite existence the offspring of Kos, the boss is Non function of the Kin family and thus is non affected by Kinhunter assail bonuses, so use either Tempering, Nourishing or Adept gems instead depending upon which weapon you cull. The Orphan of Kos has no particular strengths or weaknesses to specific damage types, but fast weapons with decent achieve such equally the Kirkhammer's longsword and the Saw Cleaver will fare ameliorate than those with slower attacks. A notable exception is the Whirligig Saw, which can deal damage very quickly during the limited safe openings with its transformed L2 attack. The Cannon and Church Cannon can instantly knock the boss out of sure attacks which would otherwise crave complex evasive action or multiple hits from the Fists of Gratia, and volition deal heavy damage if augmented with Bone Marrow Ash.
  • For Bloodtinge builds, the Evelyn or Repeating Pistol are also good candidates for Bone Marrow Ash; alternately, the arrows from Simon's Bowblade can inflict tremendous amounts of damage with high Bloodtinge if the weapon is set with iii loftier-level Damp gems. Arcane builds will need tools with faster activation times such as the Executioner's Gloves, Tiny Tonitrus or Blacksky Middle and will find comparatively few, safe opportunities to use A Phone call Beyond.


  • The Orphan of Kos is one of the most aggressive bosses in the game, particularly during the 2d phase of the battle. He is susceptible to interrupts and staggers during both phases, only landing them can be extremely difficult during Phase 2 due to his speed and highly unpredictable movements. He can swing his blade effectually him on an elastic tendon to strike at multiple ranges from a unmarried position, and many of his combos create small zones of splash harm that tin can hitting you on the basis while you're helpless. He is protected by super armor during all of his attacks, but is vulnerable to beingness stunlocked during his walking and idle blitheness; however, he will rarely stand still long plenty for a full R1 philharmonic to connect. His relentless attack patterns during Stage 2 give a whole new meaning to the term "Heat Up;" his movements become extremely erratic and difficult to predict at this point and he volition begin using several rapid, broad-ranging area attacks that tin exist exceedingly tricky to avoid.


  • During Stage i the boss will walk slowly toward yous at a distance and begin attacking when he reaches mid range. Standing shut to him for any length of time is not rubber every bit he uses extremely rapid melee combos with heavy hitstun which can strike around him at all angles; the only safe opportunities to attack him at close range are after dodging one of his combos or individual swings, and you lot'll only take time to swing once to twice before he recovers and launches a counterattack. The strafe-and bait strategy works relatively well during Phase ane if you intend to fish for interrupts, but carries far greater adventure during Phase ii due to the ceaseless onslaught of rapid knockdown attacks. Ranged scrap damage is a viable strategy during Phase 2 if y'all can hit hard enough to get in worthwhile; Simon's Bowblade with Blood Bullets, three Oedon Writhe runes and 3 loftier-level Damp gems is platonic for this purpose and will afford you far more safe opportunities to attack the boss than close-range weapons.


  • You'll face the Orphan of Kos in a small coastal inlet consisting of a gently-sloped embankment leading downward to a wider stretch of shallow water. The corpse of the Great One, Kos, lies in the center of the beach advertisement a collection of boulders and expressionless shrubs line the rock walls leading down to the water'south edge. In terms of environmental collision, the water is actually the all-time place to fight as it provides a wide, flat and completely unobstructed battlefield costless of obstacles of any kind, however, do note that there is a difficult boundary some altitude out to sea where the water deepens and it is possible to back yourself up against this invisible wall if you don't pay attending to your position. Keeping the battle in the shallow water equally far away from Kos' corpse as possible is crucial during Stage ii - the will periodically use a massive area attack that originates from the corpse and spreads quickly outward, so the further y'all are from the beach the more time you'll have to avert it.


  • This Boss is office of The Quondam Hunters DLC
  • Despite Orphan of Kos having 999 Slow Poison & Rapid Poisonous substance resistances it is nevertheless vulnerable to such status. [video]
  • All enemies and bosses (except hunter enemies) have 999 frenzy resistance, despite that they are withal vulnerable to such status. The just mode to see it without modding is to use Shaman Os Blade on enemy inflicting frenzy to set on others. [test video]
  • Oedon Writhe Issues(?): During the 1st phase you lot get x4 Quicksilver Bullets when Oedon Writhe Caryll rune (Visceral ATKs grant QS bullets +1,2,three) is equipped. For example if you equip +3 QS bullets you receive 12 bullets per Visceral Attack. This effect vanishes in 2d phase.
  • Orphan can be "cheesed" by wall hugging on the right side, hitting him with range assail items using Monocular or by cabalistic items such as A Call Beyond before he aggroes. [Video]
  • Once Orphan is dead, dark spirit will appear on summit of the Kos corpse, killing it volition trigger "Nightmare Slain" text and cutscene ending the rain and collapsed moon in the sky. Cutscene dialogue: "... Ahh, sweetness kid of Kos, returned to the bounding main. A abysmal expletive, a abysmal sea. Accepting of all that there is, and tin can be." by Line-fishing Hamlet Priest
  • Killing Orphan will trigger new Doll's dialogue most Gehrman, connecting him and Orphan'south fate. Dialogue: "Oh, proficient hunter. I can hear Gehrman sleeping. On any other night, he'd be restless. Just on this dark, he sounds so very calm. ...Perhaps something has eased his suffering."

Orphan of Kos

The Old Hunters DLC
Pungent Claret Cocktails don't concenter this enemy, making the item ineffective.

Boss Defenses
Physical 183 Arcane 274 Rapid Poison RES 999
VS blunt 183 Fire 205 VS Beasts -
VS Thrust 183 Bolt 228 VS Kin -
Blood 183 Slow Poison RES 999

Boss Defenses | 2nd phase
Physical 205 Arcane 297 Rapid Poison RES 999
VS blunt 205 Fire 205 VS Beasts -
VS Thrust 205 Bolt 251 VS Kin -
Blood 205 Slow Poison RES 999

Game Bike HP Blood Echoes Icon
1st (NG) 19216 60000
second (NG+) 25757 177900
3rd (NG+2) 27560 195690
4th (NG+three) 28333 222375
5th (NG+4) 29105 266850
6th (NG+5) 29621 355800
seventh (NG+vi) 30908 444750

Cooperation & Boss' HP

  • Having a summoned ally doesn't alter the health or difficulty of the enemies you'll fight, but it does affect the bosses. To ensure they are all the same a challenge, boss health, showed in table above, is increased to 1.5x when a second co-op role player enters your world, and to 2.0x when a third enters.

Orphan Glitch [Speed Souls]

  • The Orphan Glitch is a glitch in Bloodborne that allows the actor to temporarily freeze Orphan's AI. The issue can exist extended for the entire duration of the fight, making it a great strategy for the All Bosses route and for players struggling with the boss in general.
  • The role player simply backstabs or parries Orphan to crusade information technology to become vulnerable and in the "visceral state". The thespian so must hit the boss with the appropriate consumable to weapon to trigger the glitch.
  • It isn't quite understood why the glitch happens, merely the current theory is that Orphan of Kos does not have an blitheness associated with getting stunned out of a "visceral country" animation when hit with specific items and weapons. Since the game cannot display an animation that doesn't exist, the boss defaults to a standing animation until it is able to recover (between 4-half-dozen seconds).
  • It is possible to trigger the glitch by using Pebbles, Throwing Knives, Poisonous substance Knives or a specific attack (untransformed R1) from the Blades of Mercy.

Assault Patterns Phase 1

Key Assault Interrupt Notes
720 Swing Yeah Swings his sword in a curt-range 360-degree ring followed immediately past a mid-range 360-caste band. 1 Interrupt information technology at the very beginning of the animation or quickstep backward from the outset swing and frontward 1 past the 2nd, or quickstep backward iii times to outrange both swings.
Uppercut Swing Yep Delayed mid-range forward uppercut used on its own and at the end of combos; strikes direct behind him when the bract returns to his hand. Interrupt it or quickstep forward past his left side.
Leaping Dive Yeah Leaps into the air and performs a forward dive at a fixed bending subsequently a very brusque delay. About impossible to interrupt due to unfavorable targeting; quickstep frontward by information technology at close range or backward ane to two times at mid range.
Airborne Strike Yes Leaps into the air and strikes the footing in front end of him with a shut to mid-range sword slam while hovering. Nearly impossible to interrupt; quickstep forward past information technology at close range or backward twice from mid range.
Guillotine Slam Yeah Tiresome two-handed downward chop performed at shut range, sometimes to open a combo. Reaches slightly farther than information technology looks like it should; interrupt it from no less than 2 quicksteps' distance away or quickstep frontward past it if any closer. Be prepared for follow-upwardly swings.
Visceral Grenade Yes Rips a chunk of flesh from his abdomen and throws it at y'all from all ranges.Tracking is unavoidable; the merely way to escape is to block it with the terrain or quickstep sideways the instant before it explodes. Shooting him before he throws the projectile will destroy it, cancelling the attack.
Visceral Groundburst Yes Rips a chunk of flesh from his abdomen and drives it into the ground at his feet, creating a large frontal explosion. Extremely difficult to avoid at shut range but quickstepping twice forward past him has the best run a risk of success; otherwise quickstep backward twice to escape. Shooting him earlier he strikes the footing will destroy the chunk of flesh and abolish the assault.
  • Phase 1 Strategy: Quickstep forward past his combo attacks, hit him in one case or twice and strafe or quickstep out of range earlier he can turn to face up you. The safest strategy (although still risky) is to stay no closer than mid range and bait him into using i of his slower attacks such equally the Uppercut Swing or Guillotine Slam, so interrupt him. If he uses a faster set on and yous aren't confident in your ability to time an interrupt correctly, quickstep backward one to two times and try once more. Autonomously from the special attacks listed in the tabular array above, the Orphan of Kos uses a generic set up of rapid shut-range melee combos consisting of horizontal and vertical swings with widely-varied timing. Many of these are delayed long plenty that quickstepping immediately later being struck volition cause yous to get hit once again by the next assail; yet, he will frequently mix up his combos to prevent you from reliably anticipating them. The only condom opportunities to heal are during the recovery of one of his slower attacks and when far away from him at long range; the frontwards momentum of his melee attacks volition unremarkably enable him to hit you if you try to utilize Blood Vials up close. Information technology'due south worth trying to shoot him out of his Visceral Grenade and Visceral Groundburst if you identify them speedily enough; the Visceral Grenade in particular tin be extremely difficult to dodge correctly due to the precise timing required, especially if yous're defenseless forth the walls or in the narrow area near the entrance of the boss room. Reduce the Orphan'southward wellness to just above 50%, then interrupt him and perform a visceral assail to help reduce the corporeality of time you'll have to spend dealing with his dangerous Phase 2 attacks.

Attack Patterns Phase 2

Key Assail Interrupt Notes
Double Uppercut Yep 2-hit frontal launcher followed by at least one downwardly slam if information technology connects. Interrupt it or quickstep forrard by him at close range; otherwise quickstep dorsum one to two times.
Faint Rush Yes Extremely quick two-hit long-range dash attack in a straight line. Very hard to avoid if not anticipated; interrupt it or quickstep sideways ane to ii times to avoid information technology.
Ferocious Dive Yes Heavier version of his jump attacks from Phase 1, but with stronger tracking. He tin repeat information technology up to 3 times consecutively at unlike intervals; quickstep forward underneath him at close range or astern twice per jump attack at mid range until you are out of reach.
Visceral Set on No Throws multiple chunks of mankind at the basis in a line creating a wall of big explosions in front of him, sometimes used to end combos or immediately afterwards a Visceral Groundburst. Later the first wave he will often spring ninety degrees to your side and perform the assail once again. Almost impossible to dodge at shut range; quickstep astern twice to avert each wave or interruption his super armor with a Cannon shot to knock him out of information technology.
Visceral Bombardment No Flies into the air and rains Visceral Grenades on a big circular target area beneath him. Each projectile creates an initial explosion and a forwards moving ridge of smaller explosions that moves outward forth the ground. Quickstep astern up to three times from mid range or stand directly beneath him if already at shut range when he initiates the set on.
Bolts of Sorrow No Screams for about three seconds. Roughly i.5 seconds into the scream a massive bolt of lightning will strike the corpse of Kos in the middle of the beach and release big waves of lightning outward from that spot in six directions. Three waves will always head direct toward you and the center of these will always target your position when the assail activates; lock off and scout Kos' corpse when he begins screaming, then run or quickstep sideways to slip through the gap between the waves of lightning. A Cannon shot during the offset second of the scream will suspension his super armor and cancel the set on, merely he cannot exist staggered out of it from backside.
  • Stage two Strategy: When the Orphan's wellness drops below 50% he will generate a pocket-size explosion centered on his own body and sprout wings, signaling the beginning of Phase 2. He attacks far more than aggressively during this stage and will constantly chase you downward at a fast dash; moreover, his melee combos and special moves become much less anticipated and tend to strike wider areas at longer ranges. He volition at present often dodge to your side before initiating concrete attacks and uses many swings that attain directly backside him, so you lot'll take to either scrap him out from a distance with ranged attacks or take what limited opportunities you safely can to strike him from behind during the short recovery periods after his combos. In general, make every effort to proceed him no closer than mid range and to stay behind him if he does manage to close the gap. Baiting his more anticipated attacks from a distance and interrupting them is yet the safest strategy, but requires a bully bargain of attention to his movements in order to avert miscalculating a dodge. The best opportunities to heal are when he is far away and during the longer recovery periods of his moves; also beware that he will sometimes endeavor to fob you by post-obit up with some other set on when he appears to have ended a combo. Beware that he can now also repeat certain attacks in immediate succession - as many as 3 consecutive times in the case of his Ferocious Dive. Exist absolutely sure to keep the fight to the water during this phase; if you're anywhere almost the corpse of Kos when the Orphan uses Bolts of Sorrow, you may exist unable to leave of the way in time. This movement also offers one of the best opportunities to assail the boss without fear of reprisal, ideally by knocking him out of it with a Os Ashed Cannon shot before he can summon the lightning.


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