Werewolf 20th Anniversary What Rolls Can You 10 Again on

Questions tagged [werewolf-20th-anniversary]

For questions about Werewolf the Apocalypse: 20th Anniversary Edition, a new edition (2013) of the original World of Darkness game (1992). In it, players play Garou, lineages of humans who have been tasked by Gaea, the Spirit of the Earth, to serve her as warriors, and granted the ability to shape change to accomplish this, in the face of her imminent death. The main 20th Anniversary book has far more info than the original basic book.

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Stuck by Combat?

Sometimes, luck is just not with one character or another. Other times, it gets worse... Well, let's see: Our group of 4 was almost ambushed by 6 Fomori. Almost, because there was no surprise round. 3 ...

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What combat implications has this proposed alternative initiative rundown?

Combat in the WoD is notoriously lengthy. The git rundown is about this: Roll initiative Sort high to low Combat Round Start Announce spending of rage for extra actions & handle "pre round&...

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Minimum Difficulty for Mother's Touch?

Mother's touch has a sliding difficulty, which uses the current rage, as shown here: The player spends one Gnosis point and rolls Intelligence + Empathy (difficulty is the target's current Rage, or 5 ...

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What's the difficulty to detect Were-beings with Shintao/Kenning?

The Wording for Shentao and Kenning is a little ambiguous and I need a little help here: Shentao Much like Kenning, which it replaces, Shentao represents the innate magical sense common to the Shinma....

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On Werewolves and Hybrid Metis

I'm the secondary storyteller for a Werewolf: The Apocalypse game. Our group is made out of mostly urban figures - specially Glass Walkers and Bone Gnawlers - playing out a very finance-oriented pack ...

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On Werewolves and Plastic Surgery

A peculiar situation arose on a Werewolf: The Apocalypse game I'm taking part as secondary storyteller. During a session conducted by our main storyteller, one of our players brought up the idea of ...

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In Werewolf W20, how does dice splitting work with no-roll Gift activation?

If I have a Gift that says, "spend a point of Gnosis: stuff happens", can I use this Gift while performing a normal action in the same turn ? If so, how would dice splitting work in this ...

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Is there a full-text version of the Litany?

The quick and dirty "precepts" are readily available in many different sources; but I've looked everywhere I can think of, all the way back to 1st edition material, and cannot find the full ...

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Werewolves in space?

We all know Werewolves are badass, that they can rip apart puny humans and mages and everything. They travel around the world on moon-bridges and through the Penumbra, ripping apart Pentax, Wyrm and ...

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Can fetishes or talens step sideways by themselves?

In my Werewolf game, the players have to assassinate someone. A rank 1 theurge wants to shoot the target with a sniper rifle. But they want to make the bullet a talen that enters the Umbra when it's ...

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10 votes

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Pentex African Killer Bees!

Welcome to Pentex Labs! We have everything to destroy nature: Banes, Vampires, Reality Warpers! Now, my boss wants to weaponize Bees. He wants them to be super deadly, he wants them to destroy cacao -...

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What rules can I use to emulate a W20 Wendigo werewolf with V5 mechanics?

I'm making a scenario using Vampire: The Masquerade Fifth Edition (V5) rules, and I want my players to face a werewolf of the Wendigo tribe, as they're depicted in Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th ...

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Capturing a sneaky Bane

Our Kaganmadi just encountered a Bane last round, that is sneaky and tries to influence a Bête by whispering to them sneakily. Now we had stopped at a cliffhanger, having found out the following: A ...

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How many gifts can a Werewolf have active at once?

Most gifts have a duration and last until it expires (generally a scene). So, could a werewolf stack gifts like Razor Claws and Luna's Armor?

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What happens to dead Fomori corpses?

What happens to the physical form of a fomor after it's dead, according to the WtA rulebooks? I'm preparing a city-based Werewolf game, so I and the players need to take body disposal into account to ...

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Source: https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/werewolf-20th-anniversary

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