Baby Tweedle Dee Costume

Easy Tweedle Family Costume

Learn how to make Tweedledum and Tweedledee costumes perfect for a family costume. I give Step-by-step costume instructions that will have you Halloween ready in no time!

Easy Tweedle Family Costume tweedledee and tweedledum standing in a yard.

Earlier this year, we were invited to our friend's surprise Alice & Wonderland themed 30th Birthday party! We weren't sure what to do, but we knew we needed to dress up. That's when the idea of this Easy Tweedle Family Costume came to mind. I found red pants for us at Old Navy (yes, Jon is wearing women's pants) and then I ran over to Michael's Craft Store to pick up the yellow shirts, red hats, felt and pipe cleaners. The day of the party we got to work and made the collar, bow tie, and hats. We did it all during a nap time–super easy!

Supplies for Tweedledum and Tweedledee costume :

  • Red Pants
  • Yellow Shirts
  • Red Hat
  • White Pipe Cleaner
  • Cricut Explore
  • Cricut Design Space™
  • Yellow Card Stock
  • Xyron Sticker Maker
  • White & Blue Felt
  • Scrap card stock
  • scissors
  • Hot Glue & Hot Glue Gun
  • Chalk Liner
  • Safety Pins

How to make a Tweedle Dee/Dum Hat

Three photos showing how to make a tweedledee hat.

First up, we made the hat. I found a double sided flag in Cricut Design Space. I cut two of them out using a heavy yellow card stock. I ran it through my Xyron sticker maker, placed a white pipe cleaner in the middle and closed the flag together. Then we wrapped the bottom of the pipe cleaner around the top of the hat. Just as pictured above. This step, maybe took 10 minutes if that.

How to Make a Felt Collar

Easy Tweedle Family Costume

Next up, Jon worked on the collar. Instead of wasting felt, we opted to make the collar using card stock and then trace it on the felt. We knew that we were going to fasten the collar in the front with our bow tie, so that's why there is the little piece in the middle.

Easy Tweedle Family Costume - Hat's with Flag

I filed the felt in half then began tracing the template that Jon created. Then, using sewing shears I began to cut out the collars. We did a scaled down version for the baby version!

How to make a Felt Bow Tie

Six photos showing blue felt and pink mat making a felt bow tie.

Lastly, it was time to make a felt bow tie. Super simple to do.

  1. Cut out a rectangular piece of blue felt.
  2. Then fold it in half to find the middle.
  3. Next un-fold it vertically, and fold horizontally. Folding each end just half way to the middle.
  4. Flip the bow tie around and you'll see your almost there
  5. Then glue the end of each of the folded pieces of felt.
  6. Flip it around and you have yourself a bow tie. Make sure you center it as best as possible.

Tweedledum and Tweedledee Clothing

Man, woman, and baby dressed as Tweedledum and Tweedledee sitting on chairs.

We wore the red pants and yellow shirts out to the party. Once we arrived that's when we added our collars and bow ties and wore the hats. We waited to put Ryder's on until the big "surprise" was made. Ryder happened to have a yellow onesie and red pants, so we just scaled down his version. For those who are interested we just attached the back of the bow tie with a safety pin and pinned it through the two pieces of white collar. That's it.

Woman and baby boy dressed as Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

Ryder was just 11 months old in this photo. He was only crawling around… so cute and tiny!

Man holding a baby, both dressed as Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

They had the cutest themed drinks at the party. That's what Jon was holding in his hand.

Male, female, and baby dressed as Tweedledum and Tweedledee  standing in a green yard with white fence.

If you're looking for a quick and stylish family costume definitely give my Easy Tweedle Family Costume a try. You'll have it done from start to finish in 30 minutes!

Looking for other Disney costumes?

Here are two other Disney related costumes that I would love to share with you.

  • Baby Dopey Costume
  • DIY Dwarf Shirts
  • Toy Story Alien Trick Or Treat Bucket
  • Frozen Family Costume

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Baby Tweedle Dee Costume


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