Fashion Designers Who Can T Draw

What if you can't draw and you want to design fashion ???

IF FASHION isn't your focus, check out these videos "Drawing without Fear" and "Change the way You think about Drawing"

(2 more VIDEOS ON THIS PAGE scroll down to view)

It sounds like your worst nightmare, perhaps. You have dreams of being a fantastic fashion designer, but you can't even draw a star or a flower without deep pangs of insecurity.


There are at least 3 ways this scenario can play out, in my experience as a former fashion design student AND 20 years professor of Fashion Design at Parsons in NYC and globally online.

So what if you can't draw. What do you do?

  1. You can give up before you start.
  2.  you can go to a fashion school or take some courses and find out that the whole reason why you love fashion is because YOU ARE AN ARTIST WHO HAD NO SKILLS OR INFORMATION before… and you take to it like a fish to water! Fashion Sketching? Patternmaking/ Draping? Model Drawing
  3. You can go to a fashion school or take courses or JUST START MAKING /PRODUCING/ or hiring help to MAKE YOUR DESIGNS COME TO LIFE and chicken -scratch your ideas out any way they come, just so you can remember them

and they're all good for one thing or another.

There's a different path for every designer

What if you can't draw?

You either find a way to build that skill, or you find ANOTHER way to achieve what you want to achieve!

One thing you can do is put your own art, images or messages on to clothing on a website like Contrado, Redbubble (where I create mine) , society 6, and Zazzle, Teespring, and more! I love that my Redbubble designs are printed only when ordered, so there is no waste, no inventory, no minimum order. This is "slow fashion" or "ethical fashion" in many ways, and creates less waste.what if you can't draw and want to design fashion?

See, you've simply got to follow what you truly want for yourself, and that's the bottom line. It's a journey, and it's YOUR journey. After all, it's your life! And it's your dream.

The image below is digital, but whether I did it on the iPad (which I did) or on paper, I used the same experience and know how. I used it to show pattern, construction details, style, texture and silhouette. That's a lot of useful information!

(This sketch by the way was from a photo. Working from reality /observation is a key boost for anyone who can't draw,wants to design fashion.)


Drawing is an INCREDIBLY POWERFUL design tool, as well an amazing channel for self expression, creativity, and COMMUNICATION with others about (fashion) design ideas.  I've spent the last 20 years bringing beginners into fluency in design drawing and expression and i'm passionate about that because of my OWN experience of personal transformation.

 But what if you ccn't draw?



One thing I know for sure

Is that no matter who you are, if you love fashion you love beauty and may be a "'perfectionist" (see my video on perfectionism) as well.  I've noticed time and again that this can freeze a potential fashion designer or fashion student IN THEIR TRACKS.

As I see it, my  job is to dismantle the fear of drawing by creating the most encouraging and "safe container" for learning, possible. The fact is, that the fine artists of the world are very often "in on" this secret of exploring all of the deepest darkest corners of uncontrollable mess and  discovery…. before coming up with their "perfect finished pictures" that you recognize them for.

That, my dear, is one of my specialties. Whether you study with me in iPad illustration or gouache and pencils.   If I could recommend one bootcamp to prime you for this experience with me, by the way, it would be the Model Magic Bootcamp, followed by Freedom Fashion Program or the Eveningwear course. (A course that has design plus design drawing and gives you an exploration of iPad illustration, goauche and pencils, and markers so that you can really get a multifaceted fashion art experience)

Go give it a try, you may discover things WordPress can already add into your posts that you didn't know about. Here's a short list of what you can currently find there:

Remember this:

Please, remember this if you can't draw:

How many of the absolute GREATS of fashion design and haute couture NEVER WENT TO FASHION DESIGN SCHOOL!!! How many of them did totally unconventional sketches???? SO MANY.  Example: look up the fashion sketches of the iconic Claire McCardell, for example.

Here is one of her sketches, I've personally seen her sketchbooks in the archive at Parsons School of Design/ the New School where she graduated. So can you, click the image below to visit the archiv e.

This is one of her sketches for Townley Frocks, below.


See, Claire is an example of a designer who worked with Patternmaking and Draping and had her hands in the cloth and on the model, not focusing on illustration but on creating functional, brilliant, beautiful, iconic sportswear for the American woman.

So, what IF you can't draw and want to design fashion?

I hope you enjoy today's videos and share your thoughts and feelings with me in the comments.

And remember, you can ALWAYS learn more, starting NOW or whenever.

The power is T R U L Y yours, and YOURS ALONE, to develop.

I'm here to help you, if you want!


Laura Volpintesta founder, Fashion Illustration Tribe and Freedom Fashion Programs.

Author, the Language of Fashion Design

There is ALWAYS away.

From gouache techniques to freehand ipad drawing, from illustration to quicksketching for design, to patternmaking and draping, I've got a complete suite of creative fashion design and drawing courses for you!

A safe, encouraging environment will bring out freedom of expression that you didn't know you had. Embrace the adventure, the discovery,  and the growth in Freedom Fashion programs and courses! Laura Volpintesta, author, founder, fashion illustration tribe and freedom Fashion program

Fashion Designers Who Can T Draw


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